Adding value to company fleets : 4 misconceptions

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Smartphones, computers, and tablets have become indispensable in our daily lives. After 2 to 3 years of use, these devices are often replaced with new ones, mistakenly considered obsolete and too slow. They end up gathering dust in corporate closets.

Managing the end-of-life of these devices can seem like a long and costly process. However, integrating them into a refurbishment process can help :

  • Reduce IT fleet renewal costs
  • Extend the lifespan of devices
  • Prevent the extraction of increasingly valuable resources for the manufacture of new products

More and more professionals are choosing to give their equipment a second life as part of their CSR approach. However, many are still hesitant to do so. This is because the recovery of IT equipment suffers from prejudices that need to be deconstructed.

Here are 4 common misconceptions that hinder the recovery of tech products in the workplace and why it's high time to take action !

Fear of data leaks

To ensure user security, all personal data on devices is completely erased before they are put on the second-hand market. At Dipli, this is an essential step that is carried out by our partners and managed using software that complies with European data protection and privacy regulations (GDPR): Blancco, NSYS Group, Piceasoft, to name a few.

The recovery process takes too long

  1. Some people think you have to wait until you have a large stock of devices before getting started. This is a mistake, because their value decreases as you wait. With as few as 10 to 20 devices, it's time to get started with an expert like Dipli.

  2. We take care of everything! From take-back to distribution, we manage your inventory in an all-in-one tool that simplifies your life. No more multiple intermediaries between you and the end markets. You can benefit from 2 sales options :

  • Consignment

Entrust us with the entire management of your inventory and generate up to 50% additional residual value, thanks to our multi-channel distribution.

  • Immediate buyback

A solution to sell your inventory quickly and easily at the best offer and in less than 5 days.

Poor market knowledge

Dipli is committed to offering quality, short-circuit second-hand products by working with specialized and recognized reconditioning partners.

Testing before resale

30 checkpoints allow for any necessary repairs to be made and for the product to be brought as close as possible to a new product. These tests certify that a device is compliant for resale.

Grading of reconditioned devices

Devices are graded according to precise and realistic criteria that quickly give an idea of their aesthetic condition. In no case does a grade judge the technical or functional aspect of the equipment. We have developed our own grades, according to our specifications, to provide constant quality and verified traceability regardless of the origin of the stock.

Grades Dipli

Unused devices have a significant impact

It is important to note that unused devices have a significant environmental impact. The manufacturing of a new 5.5-inch smartphone generates significant pollution of soil and ecosystems and requires nearly 170 kg of raw materials. Many of these materials are precious or very rare, such as tantalum and yttrium.

According to ADEME, between 54 and 110 million smartphones are dormant in our closets. Two-thirds of these products are still in working order. Moreover, 65% of French people change their phone while it is still working.

An environmental and social gesture

The manufacturing of a smartphone requires the extraction of a variety of materials, including precious and rare earth metals. Some of these materials are "conflict minerals", such as gold and tantalum, which are used to finance armed groups in countries with tense political situations.

In addition to its impact on local populations, the manufacturing phase also has a disastrous impact on the environment and on workers. The extraction phase systematically degrades the environment, and the sites are not rehabilitated when the activity ceases. This is because a lot of acid and toxic substances are needed to extract the materials, of which only 1% is isolated, the rest being dumped into nature.

Using already extracted rare earth elements, which are therefore already in circulation, is a viable solution.

The Impact Certificate

When you recover your devices with Dipli, you receive an "Impact Certificate", which attests to your commitment. You can then promote your initiative to your employees, customers, and partners. The figures are verified by the ADEME method, following the large-scale study conducted jointly with Dipli.



Impact Certificate


Dipli: The Expert in Reconditioned High-Tech Products for Professionals

Since 2017, Dipli has been the expert in reconditioned high-tech products for professionals. We offer a comprehensive solution for managing the take-back, return, reconditioning, and distribution of second-hand electronic products.

Our goal is to simplify the entire process and become the global reference player in the supply chain of second-hand electronic products.


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Dipli simplifies the second life of electronic products.

An all-in-one tool for distributors, leasing companies, telecom operators and companies to manage the entire value chain in one place.

The platform connects the electronics industry to secondary markets; simply and securely. Trade-in and return management, refurbishment, omni-channel purchasing and distribution: Dipli covers and simplifies all stages of the circular economy.