Benefits of circular economy for professionals

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Circular economy in telecom carrier's sector

What is the circular economy ?

The circular economy involves reinventing our economic model to move away from the linear “produce-consume-dispose” approach and enter into virtuous loops of production and consumption.

Particular attention is given to a product's lifecycle, from its manufacture to its end-of-life, emphasizing the reduction of raw material extraction and the extension of product life cycle through their recovery (reuse, refurbishment, repurposing, or recycling). As products become more durable and sustainable, the circular economy also reduces the volume of waste.

Economie circulaire ADEME schémaBlueprint of circular economy by ADEME


Growing importance of sustainability for telecoms carriers

The introduction of the french AGEC law in France in February 2020 has profoundly transformed the telecommunications sector by intensifying more circular practices. From combating planned obsolescence and introducing a durability index to mandating consumer information and offering repair bonuses, the market surrounding telecom carriers compels them to reinvent themselves and become more sustainable. As the race for differentiation begins, telecoms are increasingly implementing trade-in programs or selling refurbished products.

AGEC law and refurbishment


How refurbishment supports telecom carriers?

Cost reduction through refurbishment

  • Savings on materials: reuse is less expensive than extraction.
  • Reduction in waste management costs: with less waste, waste treatment is eventually less costly.
  • Valorization of unsold goods: since the destruction of unsold goods is now prohibited, refurbishment helps to offset or even generate revenue from these items.

Extension of devices life cycle

Extending the life cycle of equipment through refurbishment brings several other benefits:

  • Innovation and competitiveness: refurbishment provides a real competitive advantage for telecom carriers.
  • Enhanced image and customer loyalty: the low prices of refurbished devices and the associated environmental approach make them attractive to budget-conscious and environmentally aware customers.
  • Reduction of carbon footprint: the ecological footprint of a refurbished device is lower than a new one.

Prolongation cycle vie produit tech


Environmental and regulatory benefits

Contribution to eletronic waste reduction

Refurbishment necessarily means less electronic waste, but what data do we have on this topic?

Ecosystem, one of the eco-organisms responsible for WEEE recycling (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), collected about 517,000 tons of waste in its sector in 2022. Approximately 90% of these materials were reused or recycled, a very high rate that has already significantly reduced electronic waste.

Compliance with environmental regulations

Although environmental regulations currently do not directly apply to most telecom carriers, sustainability and resource management goals have been set for the sector. By aligning their vision with their market and thus contributing to the improvement of equipment refurbishment, telecoms comply with today’s and tomorrow’s environmental developments imposed in their sector.

European regulations

Réglementations européennes


Steps to integrate the circular economy

Evaluation of existing infrastructure

Integrating the principles of the circular economy through the refurbishment of electronic devices involves multiple areas of expertise at each stage of the supply chain. Therefore, it is essential to conduct a thorough evaluation of your existing infrastructure by consulting an expert provider in these matters, with the goal of establishing an optimal program that offers you turnkey solutions.

To this end, Dipli is the ideal reference to meet your needs. With its all-in-one platform, Dipli significantly simplifies the management of the equipment lifecycle. By connecting the best buyers and sellers in the refurbished world, our platform streamlines access to the highest-quality used and refurbished offers available on the market for telecom carriers. We can also assist you in implementing a customized trade-in solution to further advance your circular commitment.

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Strategic partnerships and implementation of circular practices

Implementing circular practices goes beyond just refurbishment; it also includes recycling when devices are too worn out or obsolete. In France, two eco-organisms manage the WEEE sector: Ecosystem and Ecologic. Dipli has therefore established a partnership with Ecologic for all equipment to be recycled, thus optimizing their circularity.

Telecom carriers offer



Dipli simplifies the second life of electronic products.

An all-in-one tool for distributors, leasing companies, telecom operators and companies to manage the entire value chain in one place.

The platform connects the electronics industry to secondary markets; simply and securely. Trade-in and return management, refurbishment, omni-channel purchasing and distribution: Dipli covers and simplifies all stages of the circular economy.