Giving electronics a second life

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The impacts of smartphone manufacturing on the environment and populations
Source: ADEME – Circular Economy.

In 2019, more than 50 million tonnes of electrical waste and electronic equipment (WEEE or E-Waste) were produced worldwide. Either a weight greater than that of all airliners built so far or equal to the number of Eiffel Towers it would take to fill Manhattan!

The manufacture of a smartphone (from ore extraction to final assembly) is responsible for about three-quarters of these environmental impacts, which are largely attributable to the screen and complex electronic components (microprocessors, etc.). The advantage of second-hand products: there is no waste generation when reconditioning an electronic device. Working components can be reused in other products almost indefinitely. The environmental impact and waste are limited, the circular economy is highlighted !


The solution : second hand and circular economy

Takagreen - L'économie circulaire, le futur des entreprises ?

What is the circular economy ?

Giving a second life to our electronic devices rather than buying new ones reduces waste production. Working components can be reused in other products almost indefinitely without compromising the quality of electronic devices.On the social side, the impact of the refurbished market is strong. It makes everyday products more accessible to all and creates jobs. The sector hires in the commercial, logistics, technical and engineering trades.

2020, the year of the circular economy

The next challenge is the loss of our resources. The model of the linear economy «to extract, to manufacture, to use then to throw», too long optimized loses all its meaning today.

The circular economy is more than ever an alternative to our unsustainable production, distribution and consumption methods because it is more essential and more efficient.

The circular economy is an economic system dedicated to efficiency and sustainability that minimizes waste by optimizing the value generated by resources. It relies heavily on various conservation and recycling methods to move away from the current, more linear approach of “capture, produce and discard.

We must radically change our consumption patterns. Repair and reuse are two essential options to extend the use time of products and thus reduce the environmental impact related to their manufacture.

Samuel Sauvage, Président de HOP (Halte à l’Obsolescence Programmée)

Giving a second life to electronic devices means participating in the development of a circular economy. 


Dipli simplifies the second life of electronic products.

An all-in-one tool for distributors, leasing companies, telecom operators and companies to manage the entire value chain in one place.

The platform connects the electronics industry to secondary markets; simply and securely. Trade-in and return management, refurbishment, omni-channel purchasing and distribution: Dipli covers and simplifies all stages of the circular economy.