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Le top 5 des questions du reconditionneur

Written by Dipli Team | Aug 22, 2023 9:48:40 AM

The questions most often asked by our customers or reconditioning suppliers and our answers in pictures. Follow us, we will guide you on the market of reconditioned high-tech products. Here we go !

Following these tests and according to their results, some rooms are renovated. For example, a battery less than 80% charging capacity must be replaced by the reconditioner. After complete cleaning of the device, an aesthetic grade will be assigned to it.


1- What are my legal obligations as a reseller of refurbished products?  Fabrice

There are three precautions to consider when reselling reconditioned products :

  • Notify the consumer that the product is being repackaged by placing the word “repackaged” on the box or packaging of the product.
  • Respect the VAT regime according to the origin of the product (VAT on margin or classic VAT).
  • Provide a legal guarantee of conformity of at least 6 months.

2-  Who legislates the resale of reconditioned products in France ? Vanessa


All products reconditioned and resold in France are subject to the classic consumer code. In parallel, there are groups of professional federations or unions that work together on the French and European level to enforce the rights of the market and the sector. We are also an active member of SIRRMIET, the major player in France.

3- When is the best time to resell refurbished products ?  Marine


There are 3 highlights of the year, during which demand is strong on the reconditioned market.

  • August: there is a strong demand for holidays and the resulting breakdowns.
  • September : period of strong growth, due to the return to school and the Apple keynote.
  • December and mid-January: this period is marked by the holiday season. Refurbished products are sold and resold very quickly.

On the other hand, pay attention to the period from February to May, which is symbolized by lower demand and a downward price trend.


4- What is the average service rate on refurbished products?  Jeremy

In general, there is a 4% return rate in after-sales service. At Dipli, this is a key indicator that we follow with great precision in collaboration with our sales partners.

5- What are the best selling products on the market ?  Maxime

At the moment, the products that you absolutely need to have in stock are well on the iPhone because there is always a strong demand on the reconditioned market. Then, we recommend the Samsung on which there is still a big potential margin to be made at resale.

And finally, the best seller made in Dipli is a Grade B smartphone fully adjusted by our teams in complete pack and ready to be put back on the shelf. It allows to have an aggressive resale price while maintaining a high level of quality in aesthetics.

You are a professional buyer or reseller of high-tech products in reconditioned and new? And you have other questions? We’re listening, email us at !