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Everything you need to know about CO2

Written by Dipli Team | Aug 9, 2023 3:15:10 PM

Comprendre le CO2 : tout ce que vous devez savoir pour agir contre le changement climatiqueUnderstanding CO2: everything you need to know to take action against climate change

  1. We often talk to you about CO2. Because in 2022, Dipli succeeded in giving a second life to 111,561 products, saving 2,744 tonnes of CO2 and 8,579 tonnes of raw materials. This success is the result of a committed environmental approach to reducing the impact of electronic devices by giving them a second life.


What is CO2 ? 

CO2, or carbon dioxide, is a gas present in the Earth's atmosphere. It is produced naturally by biological and geological processes, but is also emitted by human activities. CO2 is a greenhouse gas, which means that it contributes to global warming by trapping heat in the atmosphere.

What are the main sources of CO2?

CO2 is generated naturally by processes such as plant and animal respiration, the decomposition of organic matter and volcanic eruptions. However, human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels for energy production, transport and industry, are the main sources of CO2.

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But what are the consequences for the environment?

CO2 traps heat in the atmosphere and transforms the climate. Climate change has serious consequences for the environment, such as melting glaciers, rising sea levels and more frequent extreme weather events.

How can you reduce your carbon footprint ?

There are a number of simple things we can all do in our daily lives to reduce our carbon footprint, such as recycling, reducing water and energy consumption, and using products that are durable, eco-designed or easy to repair. Renewable energy, eco-friendly transport and consumer choices are also important ways of reducing our carbon footprint.

A few small everyday gestures : 

  • This isn't Versailles! Turn off the lights when you leave a room, use public transport or car-share, and buy local, seasonal produce.

  • Install solar panels or choose a green energy supplier. 

  • Transport is responsible for a large proportion of CO2 emissions. By choosing to cycle, walk or use public transport, we can reduce our carbon footprint. Electric vehicles are also a clean alternative to petrol cars.

For even more tips, subscribe to our newsletter on the circular economy :

And what about electronic devices?

Electronic devices, such as computers, tablets and smartphones, have an impact on CO2 emissions. We're not hiding this from you any longer. But this impact is mainly due to the production of these devices, which requires a lot of energy and materials, resulting in CO2 emissions. Finally, the disposal of electronic waste can also be problematic, as it can generate CO2 emissions if it is not carried out responsibly.

The solution ? To reduce the impact of electronic devices on CO2 emissions, it is important to use them responsibly and to give preference to reconditioned devices.


Dipli makes it easier to manage the lifecycle of electronic devices. Its all-in-one solution makes the most of take-back programmes, customer returns or the distribution of second-hand goods.

The platform connects the electronics industry to secondary markets simply and securely.